Book review: The Obsession by Nora Roberts

18 Apr

the obsessionNaomi Carson is a survivor. As a child, her family was torn apart by a shocking crime. It could have destroyed her, but Naomi has grown up strong, with a passion for photography that has taken her all around the world.

Now, at last, she has decided to put down roots. The beautiful old house on Point Bluff needs work, but Naomi has new friends in town who are willing to help, including Xander Keaton – gorgeous, infuriating and determined to win her heart.

But as Naomi plans for the future, her past is catching up with her. Someone in town knows her terrifying secret – and won’t let her forget it. As her new home is rocked by violence, Naomi must discover her persecutor’s identity, before it’s too late.

There was much excitement in my little corner of the World when a proof copy of Nora Roberts’ latest novel was delivered. I’m such a big fan of Nora’s books now so I was delighted to be asked to take part in the blog tour for The Obsession which starts today.

The Obsession is described as ‘romantic suspense’ and it is just that. I think the word ‘gripping’ is often overused but that’s just what this novel is. The story held my attention from the shocking opening to the very final pages and I sped through this book in just a couple of days because I had to know the outcome of the story. Nora’s writing is impressive – the more I read her books, the more impressed I am by her ability to weave a story that is easily readable, yet not predictable, be it a paranormal/fantasy set on a sunny island (Nora’s last novel) or, as in this case, a harrowing story of the daughter of a family with a dark secret.

The book opens with twelve year old Naomi discovering the shocking truth about a member of her family. It’s an opening that will stay with me for a long time and had me holding my breath as I read. As the extent and horror of the crimes are revealed, she escapes and tries to begin a new life far away. I enjoyed how Nora focused in on Naomi and the effects of her discovery on her life, taking me as a reader with her as she grew up. The portrayal felt very believable, particularly the media interest in the case and the family and The Obsession made me think about what it could be like to be the subject of such scrutiny.

As grown up Naomi, who is now a photographer buys a run down house in a small town and starts to consider settling, the story takes on a very different tone and I enjoyed this part of the book a lot. I loved the descriptions and details of Naomi’s house renovation and how she reluctantly became part of the community. This is also the part of the novel that introduces the romantic element to the story as Naomi meets Xander, the local garage owner. I loved Xander as a male lead – book lovers take note; you will want to meet him!

I liked the way that The Obsession kept me guessing (and suspecting!) and I’m pleased to say that I wasn’t sure where the story was going in terms of an obsession or how it would play out. This kept me turning the pages as quickly as I could. I don’t want to give anything away but will say that I found the ending very satisfying and I’m already looking forward to reading Nora’s next book! Thankfully I don’t have long to wait, Bay of Sighs is out in June!


The Obsession is out now in hardback and ebook formats.

I’d like to thank the publisher for providing a review copy of this book.

Find out more about Nora and her novels at:

One Response to “Book review: The Obsession by Nora Roberts”

  1. Nikki Hilton 18th April 2016 at 12:21 pm #

    I am Very much looking forward to this new Nora book- :))
    . . . (and the one in June also!:)
    you can tell i enjoy her stuff, can’t you … Yes i do!
